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How to Clear Your Browser Cache and Try the Search Again Please

How to Clear Browser Enshroud on Chrome, iPhone, and More than

How to Clear Browser Cache on Chrome, iPhone, and More

While a enshroud improves your browsing experience by making websites load faster, excessive data can cause a slower loading speed or poor device operation.

To solve that problem, this article will bear witness how to clear your cache on various desktop and mobile browsers. Nosotros will besides discuss what the browser cache is and why y'all should articulate it.

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How to Articulate Firefox Browser Enshroud Video Tutorial

Check out this quick video tutorial on how to clear the Firefox browser cache.

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What Is Browser Cache and Why Do You Need to Articulate It?

The browser cache stores temporary internet files in the local estimator memory. When you start visit a website, the browser saves various website data, such as images, HTML, and CSS, equally buried data.

The next time you visit the same website, it will load quicker since the browser loads the files from the cache, non from a remote web server.

Even so, a cache can also crusade problems. Over time, the files accumulated within the cache tin take upwards a pregnant amount of disk space, causing your browser to work slowly.

As well, you lot may not be able to see changes or new content on a website equally the browser volition be serving up the site'due south cached version. Therefore, we recommend immigration the browser cache regularly.

How to Clear Enshroud on Desktop Browsers

This section will discuss how to clear enshroud on figurer browsers.

Of import! Go on in mind that when you lot commencement access a website afterward immigration all the cache, y'all might experience a longer site loading time since all the resource have to be delivered from the web server and are no longer available locally.

How to Clear Enshroud on Google Chrome

Follow these steps to delete enshroud on Google Chrome:

  1. Click the three-dots icon at the top-right corner of the browser window.
The three dots on the right side of the browser bar in Google Chrome, showing the "More tools" option for "Clear browsing data"
  1. Go to More than tools -> Clear browsing data.
  2. Select a preferred Time range – the bachelor selection ranges from Last hour to All time.
Clear browsing data basic settings in Chrome
  1. Select the type of website data to clear. Tick the Cached images and files checkbox to articulate your browser enshroud only. You can also select Browsing history and Cookies and other site data, but annotation that it volition affect all synced devices and sign you lot out of most sites.
  2. Click the Clear data push button.

Pro Tip

Windows users tin become to the Articulate Chrome Browsing Data tab by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Delete.
Mac OS users can apply the Chrome keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+Delete.

How to Clear Mozilla Firefox Cache

  1. Click the hamburger icon at the acme-right of Mozilla's window. Select History.
The hamburger icon at the top right of Mozilla's browser, highlighting the "History" option
  1. Click Articulate recent history.
The "Clear recent history" option under "History" in Mozilla's menu bar
  1. Select the Time range to articulate on the dropdown menu. Mozilla gives the option to articulate browser cache from several hours, today, or everything.
Clear All History window in Mozilla - ticking the "Cache" option
  1. All options nether the History section are selected past default. Make sure to only bank check the Cache box.
  2. Click the OK push button.

Pro Tip

Windows users can use Ctrl+Shift+Delete to quick-access the clearing tab.
Mac Os users can do the same past pressing Command+Shift+Delete.

How to Clear Enshroud on Safari

At present you'll learn how to clear enshroud on Mac if y'all employ Safari. All you need to practise is to navigate to Develop -> Empty Caches on the Safari menu bar at the top of the screen.

The "Develop" section in Safari's top menu bar, highlighting the "Empty cache" option in the dropdown menu.

Pro Tip

Alternatively, Mac Os users can perform the same action past pressing Option+Command+E.

If you lot can't find the Develop menu on the Safari carte bar, here are the steps to enable it:

  1. On the Safari menu bar, go to Safari -> Preferences.
Safari menu, highlighting the "Preferences" option
  1. A popular-up menu volition appear. Select the Advanced tab.
The Advanced tab in Safari, ticking the "Show Colour in Compact Tab Bar" box
  1. Tick the Show Develop menu in the card bar checkbox.

Once the menu appears on Safari's menu bar, proceed to Develop -> Empty Caches to clear the browser cache.

Also, annotation that in comparison to other browsers, Safari does not provide an choice to select the timeframe of the deletion, meaning you'll articulate all site information and cached images.

How to Clear Cache on Opera

  1. Click the Opera icon at the top left of the screen.
  2. Navigate to History -> Clear browsing data.
Opera menu, highlighting "History" and "Clear Browsing Data"
  1. Select a Time range, for example Last 4 weeks.
Clear browsing data settings in Opera for selecting time range.
  1. The checkboxes here are checked past default, and so brand sure to only select Cached images and files.
  2. Tap Articulate information.

Pro Tip

Windows users may click Ctrl+Shift+Delete on the keyboard for a shortcut.
On Mac Bone, use the aforementioned keyboard shortcut by pressing Shift+Command+Delete.

How to Articulate Cache on Microsoft Edge

  1. Click the 3-dots icon at the elevation-right corner of Microsoft Edge'south window and select Settings.
The three dots button at the top-right of Microsoft Edge's window, highlighting the "Settings"
  1. Choose Privacy, search, and services from the card on the left. Curl down to find the Clear browsing information section.
The privacy, search, and services tab for the Clear browsing data section in Microsoft Edge
  1. Click the Cull what to clear button.
  2. Choose a Time range, for case, all time.
Clear browsing data setting for setting the time range in Microsoft Edge
  1. Check the Buried images and files box.
  2. Hit the Clear at present push button.

Pro Tip

Windows users may employ the Ctrl+Shift+Delete shortcut.
Mac Os can printing Shift+Control+Delete.

Additionally, in Microsoft Edge it's possible to clear cache and other site data, such as browsing history, every time you close the browser. Follow these steps to practice so:

  1. In the Clear browsing information section, click Choose what to clear every fourth dimension you lot close the browser.
Clear browsing data section in Microsoft Edge, highlighting the option to "Choose what to clear every time you close the browser" in Microsoft Edge
  1. Toggle the Buried images and files option.
Privacy, search, and services tab for clearing browser cache in Microsoft Edge, showing how to turn on cached images and files

Now, it will automatically articulate the cache every time you lot shut Microsoft Border.

How to Articulate Enshroud on iPhone

At that place are several means to articulate browser cache on iPhone. This department volition show you how to clear cache on iPhone via various web browsers.

How to Clear Cache on Safari

Before learning how to clear your enshroud, note that Safari does not provide an option to select the deletion time frame. This means information technology will delete all website files, images, and saved passwords from previously visited sites, as well every bit the entire browsing history.

Of import! Starting from iOS xi, clearing browser enshroud in Safari volition touch all devices signed in to the aforementioned iCloud business relationship. As a upshot, all your devices' caches will be cleared.

A compilation of screenshots for step 1-3 on how to clear cache on Safari (iOS)
  1. Open the iPhone Settings app and select Safari.
  2. Coil downwards to find the Privacy & Security department. Select Clear History and Website Data.
  3. A message will pop upwardly. Tap Articulate History and Data to confirm it.

How to Articulate Cache on Google Chrome

A compilation of screenshots for the step 1, 2, 3, and 5 for how to clear cache on Chrome (iOS)
  1. On the Chrome app, click the three-dots icon at the bottom right. Choose Settings.
  2. Click on Privacy.
  3. Select Clear Browsing Data.
  4. Specify the Fourth dimension Range. The options range from last hour to all time.
  5. Select the type of website information to clear. Tick Cached Images and Files to clear the cache only.
  6. Tap Clear Browsing Data at the bottom of the screen.

How to Clear Enshroud on Mozilla Firefox

A compilation of screenshots for step 1-3 for how to clear cache on Firefox (iOS)
  1. Tap the hamburger menu at the bottom-correct corner of the browser screen. Select Settings.
  2. Under the Privacy section, choose Data Management.
  3. Toggle the type of site data you want to clear – in this example, nosotros're clearing the cache only. Alternatively, choose Website Data to clear data from individual sites simply.
  4. Tap Clear Private Data to complete the process.

How to Clear Cache on Android

The browser cache can overload your Android phone over time, so it'southward best to clear it periodically. The following sections will bear witness you how to clear cache on Android via various web browsers.

How to Articulate Cache on Google Chrome

A compilation of screenshots for the step 1, 2, and 4 for how to clear cache on Chrome (Android)
  1. On the Google Chrome app, tap the three-dots icon at the top-right of the screen and select History.
  2. Click Clear browsing data.
  3. Choose a time range. The options go from the terminal hour to all time.
  4. Select the type of site information to clear from your mobile device. To clear the enshroud only, select Buried images and files. You may besides articulate Browsing history or Cookies and site data, but proceed in mind that it volition sign you out of almost sites – you'll all the same be signed in to your Google account.
  5. Tap Clear information.

How to Clear Cache on Mozilla Firefox

A compilation of screenshots for step 1, 2, and 3 for how to clear cache on Firefox (Android)
  1. Tap the 3-dots icon at the bottom-correct corner of the browser and select Settings.
  2. Choose Delete browsing data.
  3. Select the type of site data to delete. In this instance, nosotros're going to delete the enshroud only by clicking Cached images and files.
  4. Tap the Delete browsing information push.

How to Articulate Cache on Opera Mini

A compilation of screenshots for step 1-3 for how to clear cache on Opera (Android)
  1. Tap the Opera icon at the bottom-right corner of the browser window. Choose the gear icon, which volition accept yous to the Settings page.
  2. Tap Clear browsing data.
  3. Tick the type of site information you wish to clear on Opera. Select Clear browsing history and Clear cookies and data to clear the enshroud.
  4. Press OK to ostend.


In this tutorial, you lot've learned how to clear browser cache on various desktop and mobile browsers, including:

  • How to articulate enshroud on Chrome
  • How to clear enshroud on Safari
  • How to clear Firefox cache
  • How to clear cache on iPhone
  • How to clear cache on Android

While immigration the browser enshroud is ane of the first steps when encountering incorrect website content, the problem might not always prevarication with the browser.

In some cases, the browser might display wrong content considering of an effect in the website cache, which is a server-side mechanism. If that'south the example, the website owner will need to clear the site's cache.

How to Clear Cache – FAQ

What Is Cached Data?

The cache is a temporary storage location in the device. Cached data is a collection of files, scripts, and other site files saved within the cache. Whenever you visit a website for the offset time, the browser sends a asking to the corresponding spider web server and saves the resources as buried data. When you revisit the site, it will load quicker.

What Does Clearing Cache Practice?

Immigration the browser cache deletes all the website data kept in the temporary storage. When you first access a website after immigration the cache, it will have longer to load every bit the browser won't exist able to call up resources locally.

Depending on the browser, clearing your enshroud will not delete passwords. If you use Chrome, the passwords won't be deleted as long as you lot don't select Passwords and other sign-in data when clearing the enshroud.

However, if you utilize Safari on iPhone, immigration the cache will as well delete saved passwords.

Browsers typically provide remarks on what will happen when selecting website data to clear. Therefore, if you don't want to remove saved passwords or be logged out of your favorite websites, make certain to double-check the options when clearing browser history and cache.

Also, clearing the enshroud won't delete your pictures – it will only delete site images stored in temporary storage.

How Often Should You Clear Enshroud?

It depends on your net usage. If you browse the internet every day, it's improve to articulate your cache after each browsing session or every 24 hours.

If you lot apply it less often, clearing the enshroud every month or two will be enough.

Is Clearing Cache Safe?

Yes, it is. Cache only stores not-essential files, which won't negatively bear upon the browser'south functionality. Clearing it will just free storage space and brand sites load slower the commencement time you visit them since the browser can't retrieve local resources.

Will Cache Boring Down My Estimator?

Yes, it will. Over time, the cache can take up a lot of disk space, and its files may become corrupted. This will interfere with the performance of your device, slowing down your browser or displaying outdated content. Clearing browser cache regularly helps avoid that and improves your device'southward performance.

Are Cookies and Cache the Aforementioned?

No, cookies and cache are different. The cache stores site data and content to decrease hereafter loading time, while cookies store users' choices and preferences. Furthermore, the cache needs to exist cleared manually, while cookies automatically elapse.


Domantas leads the content and SEO teams frontwards with fresh ideas and out of the box approaches. Armed with extensive SEO and marketing noesis, he aims to spread the word of Hostinger to every corner of the world. During his free time, Domantas likes to hone his web development skills and travel to exotic places.


The Co-author

Nadia Maya Ardiani

Maya is a Digital Content Writer at Hostinger. As a website development and digital marketing enthusiast, she's groovy to share her cognition so people tin can thrive online. When she's not writing, y'all tin find her watching sci-fi movies while eating ramen.


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